Atlas Group

The first authorized PCC in Malta
About Atlas Group
Atlas is one of Malta’s foremost insurance and financial services organizations.

Atlas Today

The Atlas Group, a cornerstone of Malta’s insurance and financial landscape since the 1920s, continues to pioneer the industry with its innovative approaches and robust solutions. With a dedicated team of over 200 professionals, Atlas Insurance PCC Limited, the Group’s flagship entity, exemplifies excellence and versatility in general business insurance, leveraging an expansive network of branches and intermediaries throughout the Maltese Islands.

Innovating for Tomorrow

Pioneering in its approach, Atlas distinguished itself as the first direct insurer globally to convert to a Protected Cell Company (PCC).

A key feature of Atlas’s offering is the ability for cells to underwrite third-party risks. Atlas continues to write local insurance in Malta through its non-cellular core while offering captives, InsurTechs, and third-party writers the opportunity to have their own EU and UK insurance carrier cells within its PCC structure.

This unique offering allows for less capital expenditure, reduced cost, and efficient management time, enabling cell owners to write directly in the EEA and the UK. This capability is bolstered by Atlas’s significant active core, which ensures enhanced security and versatility for our clients. The company maintains substantial surplus funds over regulatory requirements to secure its financial strength and stability.

As an independent PCC, Atlas offers the flexibility for promoters to either manage their cell in-house or outsource cell management to authorised insurance management companies.

A Vision Without Borders

In recent years, Atlas has expanded its reach, establishing a branch in the UK. This strategic move allows Atlas to directly write risks and customer business in the UK market, offering its bespoke solutions and reinforcing its commitment to growth and innovation within the European Union and the UK. The UK branch is a testament to Atlas’s dynamic and forward-looking vision, aiming to serve a broader clientele while adhering to the highest standards of regulatory compliance and operational excellence.

Atlas was also the first non-life insurance PCC to extend its licence to include life reinsurance. Atlas responded directly to customer demand, showcasing its dedication to meeting client needs and expanding its range of services. Atlas was able to licence a cell reinsuring consumer products with non-life and life benefits. The licence opens up other opportunities, such as in employee benefits programmes that reinsure group life business for the cell owners’ groups.

Cells hosted by Atlas Insurance PCC can write non-life insurance risks directly across both the European Economic Area (EEA) and UK markets and reinsure both life and non-life risks, marking a significant expansion in the range of services offered.

Forward-Looking Commitment

Atlas is dedicated to continuous innovation and the exploration of new business avenues. Our goal is not merely to adapt to changing market needs but to anticipate and shape these changes, positioning Atlas as a leader in the insurance industry for the foreseeable future. By marrying our rich heritage with a progressive outlook, we are set to broaden our legacy of innovation, offering sophisticated solutions tailored to the dynamic needs of our global clientele and partners.